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On February 19, 2025, a meeting of the Scientific and Methodological Council of the Tanbaly Museum-Reserve was held

20 Февраля 2025


          In accordance with the Regulation of the Director of the State Historical, Cultural and Natural Museum-Reserve "Tanbaly" of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the approval of the composition of the Scientific Council of April 15, 2024, on February 19, 2025, a meeting of the Scientific and Methodological Council of the State Historical, Cultural and Natural Museum-Reserve "Tanbaly" was held. Specialists-guides were invited to the meeting of the council.
On the agenda:
Updating, systematization and revision of the excursion text of the exposition of the museum-reserve with marking in the open air in accordance with international requirements and depending on the demand of visitors.
Introduction of new routes for tourists.
It is envisaged to rewrite texts for all tourist routes in the same style.
Members of the Scientific and Methodological Council: Professor of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Doctor of Historical Sciences Kartaeva TE, leading researcher at the Center for Rapprochement of Cultures, Candidate of Historical Sciences Novozhenov V.A., senior researcher at the A.Kh. Margulana Goryachev A.A. and the museum-reserve director of the Center B. Dandygaraeva and employees of the research department discussed agenda items.




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