Reserve museum «Tanbaly»
International methodological seminar in honor of the 20th anniversary of the inclusion of the first rock art monument
24 Мая 2024
Today, the first day of the international methodological seminar in honor of the 20th anniversary of the inclusion of the first monument of rock art of Central Asia in the UNESCO list «Petroglyphs of the archaeological landscape of Tanbaly» (2004) on the theme: «Twenty years later: achievements and new prospects for the nomination of monuments»started at the State Historical, Cultural and Natural Museum-Reserve «Tanbaly» The rock art of Central Asia is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List»
The international scientific and methodological seminar was attended by Doctor of Historical Sciences, academician Bauyrzhan Abishevich Baitanaev, Candidate of Historical Sciences Alexey Evgenievich Ragozhinsky, Candidate of Historical Sciences Bakhyt Eltindievna Amanbayeva (Kyrgyzstan), Azbiddin Neematillayevich Kholmatov (Uzbekistan), Candidate of Historical Sciences Elena Sergeevna Levanova (Russia), Aidai Turdumamatkyz Sulaimanova (Kyrgyzstan), Bobomullo Saimuradovich Bobomulloev (Tajikistan), Olesya Anatolyevna Kashchey (Russia), Head of Chemical and Technological Research and Conservation and Restoration Laboratory, Candidate of Chemical Sciences Marina Arkadyevna Reutova (Uzbekistan), Altynbekov Krym Kasenkhanovich, Charlina Lyubov Filippovna.
The main purpose of the seminar is to achieve new achievements in the preparation of a cross-border serial nomination of the rock art of Central Asia (petroglyph) to the UNESCO World Heritage List.